Teak Case Study Part One (2/11/2017)
Introducing Teak
Name: Teak
Age: 13
Breed: Thoroughbred/Paint
Current Gestation: 291 days
Last AI Date: 17th January 2017 (frozen semen)
Scanned in Foal: 18 day scan positive on 4th February 2017
Due Date Range: 13th December 2017 – 25th December 2017 (335 days = 16th December 2017)
Stallion Name: Lil More Conclusive (Black Homozygous Tobiano)
Foaling History: Two previous foals that are known about
Teak is a 13 year old mare who has two previous foals (that are known about). She has had one black colt (now gelding – no pictures unfortunately) and one black and white filly (hopefully we’ll have a picture soon!)
Teak’s previous owner has said the she usually waxes up a month before foaling and has foaled a couple of days earlier than her due date both times. Having a mare’s foaling history is super important in helping you prepare, as it gives you some idea of what to expect. Based on this we could expect to see wax and an udder start developing on Teak in the next two weeks – it will be interesting to see if she follows this pattern again. Most mares follow their own version of their ‘normal’ so it wouldn’t be surprising for her to exhibit similar signs and behaviours with this pregnancy.
Teak’s Foal’s Sire: Lil More Conclusive
Teak is in foal to the Black Homozygous Tobiano Stallion Lil More Conclusive (based in America). For those that don’t know much about colour genetics (like me) that means that Teak’s baby is GUARANTEED to be coloured in some form. We have our money on a black and white paint foal.
Lil More Conclusive has a 100% strike rate in Australia and New Zealand – and Teak took to him pretty well too!
To learn more about Lil More Conclusive (and see some photos of his stunning babies) check out his Facebook Page: Lil More Conclusive
Teak was inseminated on 17th January 2017 using one dose (8 straws) of imported frozen semen. She was confirmed 18 days in foal on 4th February 2017. Based on the average gestation of 330 – 345 days, Teak’s expected due date would be anywhere from 13th December – 25th December 2017 (Christmas Day baby anyone?).
Click on the images below to enlarge them.